Under Load Tap Changer Maintenance OLTC Maintenance
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Under Load Tap Changer Maintenance OLTC Maintenance
OLTC Maintenance (Under Load Tap Changer Maintenance)
Under Load Tap Changers (also known as On Load Tap Changer - OLTC), which ensure that the output voltage is kept constant despite the changes in the system voltage, are indispensable parts of transformers of various power and voltages that provide voltage regulation.
It is important for operational safety to perform annual maintenance of On Load Tap Changers (OLTCs), which belong to many different manufacturers, taking into account the operating conditions.
Under Load Tap Changers (OLTCs) are maintained by our company regardless of brand. In addition, spare parts of different brands of different types of Under Load Tap changers are available in our stocks and our customers can be served quickly for their urgent needs. The controls and operations performed during OLTC maintenance can be briefly listed as follows.
Draining the dirty oil in the OLTC reservoir
Removing the tap changer out of the chamber under load
Cleaning of the tap changer under load by washing with hot transformer oil
General cleaning of the tap changer tube and removal of carbon from the tube
Surface and coating inspections of moving and fixed contacts
Controls of transition resistances
Checking the mechanism and charging springs
Inserting the tap changer into the hopper
Filling the reservoir with clean oil